
So I had a meeting this afternoon and I was so nervous about it. Not because I was nervous to meet the person in particular, but I was just nervous about getting ready, about my clothes, about the time, about everything. Anxiety really sucks. I got so anxious that I even thought about calling off the meeting. Which is silly and I know that but at the time it felt like the thing to do. But I knew that I could fight through that and I did. I kept myself on task. I kept thinking to myself that I can do it, I’ll be on time, my hair will look great, I’ll say all the right things, and it’ll be a great meeting. I’ll like the person. They’ll like me. I won’t be awkward. Everything will be fine. I visualized myself smiling in the meeting. I thought about how happy I’d be about meeting that person. I imagined myself smiling and feeling really good after the meeting.

And you know what, that’s exactly how I feel right now :-).

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